About us
AST Popcorn is a Bulgarian company producer of Microwave popcorn – one of the companies with the biggest and most modern facilities and equipment for production of microwave popcorn in Europe. We produce our own high quality corn, which is being constantly laboratory tested, for ensuring high standard.
We focus upon quality from the process of growing corn to the finished product.

AST Popcorn proudly produces its own raw material – Popcorn.
The corn is planted and grown from large Bulgarian farmers in areas with specially selected soils. The processes of drying, cleaning and sorting are entirely controlled by specialized equipment. The corn passes through several stages of cleaning, the last step is carried out by photo-sorting machine BUHLER SORTEX, which provides 99% purity of the final product.
Each batch of corn is examined closely by the worldwide recognized laboratories of SGS, making a complete analysis: microbiological, organoleptic, physical and GMO. In the company's laboratory equipped with modern equipment for control and analysis, further periodic checks are being carried out for the absence of mycotoxins.

Some facts:
- Popcorn contains large quantities of health boosting Polyphenol antioxidants
- Popcorn has higher numbers than all other snacks tested
- Research suggests these antioxidants reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and many other disease
- Antioxidants in popcorn are at similar levels to these Found in fruit and vegetables